Smart Contract

Blockchain Smart Contracts automate contract creation and execution and eliminates (substantially minimizes) the need for third parties required to create contracts and manage disputes. nikoways uses Ethereum Blockchain based smart contracts that allow the users to rapidly negotiate and create contracts.

To see nikoways Smart Contract Platform in action, please visit nikoways - Contracts Management System - Smart Contract

nikoways Blockchain Platform

Our platform will make Blockchain and Smart Contract technologies mainstream and more usable for day to day business activities. nikoways platform has the potential to be used by members of various ecosystems around the world. nikoways provides a secure, decentralized, and autonomous solution that brings buyers and sellers together.

To see nikoways Blockchain Platform in action, please visit uavlancer or nikoways smartcontract or  nikoways - contracts Management

nikoways Blockchain Platform

Blockchain Smart Contract:

Smart Contract

Self-Executing Smart Contract

Terms and conditions are agreed by all the parties and converted into software program.

Actions Based
on Triggers

Actions based on Triggers

Data is constantly monitored and code automatically executes based on triggers.

Contract Execution
and Value Transfer

Contract Execution and Value Transfer

After the contract is successfully completed, the value (e.g. payment) is automatically transferred.

Proof of

Proof of Settlement

The value transfer data is written into blockchain and can't be mutated (Proof of Existence).

Project Management

nikoways Blockchain platform uses Ethereum smart contracts to drive each project. The smart contracts are automatically executed as per the triggers defined in the contract and payment is automatically made upon the successful execution of the project.

nikoways Blockchain based Project Management.

To see nikoways Project Management Platform in action, please visit smart contracts

nikoways Blockchain Project Management

Payment Management

nikoways uses smart contracts to instantaneously create escrow and make immediate payments.

The benefits of this approach is that payments are secure and the providers don’t have to waste valuable resources to follow up on payments and get paid immediately when the work is completed.

To see nikoways Payment Management Platform in action, please visit uavlancer

nikoways Blockchain Payment Management

Cryptocurrency Payment

Fast Payment

Once the work is completed and approved, the money will automatically be transferred from the escrow or customer’s account to the service provider.

Blockchain Escrow Management


The project value will be stored in the contract at the time of project creation.