nikoways develops customized analytics and AI/ ML solutions that combine latest algorithms with creativity, innovation and technology.
Objective is to improve your business performance with deep insights about customers and industry using latest and the most appropriate AI/ ML analytics techniques.
Deep data mining and predictive modelling of data from mobile apps, transactions, CRM systems, telemetry, sales and marketing, web clickstreams, attitudinal surveys.
Deep data mining of data from blogs, online forums, Twitter to identify influencers and influence drivers.
Deep data mining of primary and secondary data to identify industry trends and opportunities.
nikoways has expertise in turning data into practical insights and to implement the recommendations by developing customized software code and software integration for the analytic solutions.
Objective is to develop software code to integrate and implement AI/ ML analytics solutions.
Implement analytics solutions within existing or as necessary new technology platform.
Develop web and mobile applications, on-premises or cloud analytics applications.
nikoways has expertise in many different types of analytics including but not limited to following:
Built one of the largest business intelligence AI platform with Online Analytical Processing layers using AI/ ML algorithms.
Developed engagement intelligence ML platform to identify influencers and automate user sentiment analysis and recommend what, where, and when to post.
Developed accurate and robust time series econometric forecasting models to forecast 30/60/90 day ahead at SKU level.
Developed a robust product design and messaging solution based on consumer choices which looks outside-in leveraging input from actual users of the product.
Created one of the largest Net Promoter / Customer loyalty tracking program using state-of-the-art data collection and proprietary driver analysis methodologies.
Created a new Brand Equity solution based on brand choices individual consumers make, significantly improving on traditional high level BE measures using balance sheet financial data.
Developed automated defect detection AI/ ML solution for drone inspection images under UAVLancer.
Developed advanced CRM analytic solution with CRM and ad platform data to increase revenue and sales.